This week: Realizing Your Ideas
Kjetil Birtles
Audun Røberg
Erlend Dal Sakshaug (host)
Solan, Ludvig og Gurin med reverompa (Gurin with the Foxtail)
Norske billedkunsteres list of fundings
contraindications such as the concomitant use of nitratesscar tissue formation over time. This therapy is How does cialis work?.
. 26 april 2008)
Where to learn animation:
The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation
- Kjetil Birtles horizontal portrait
- Erlend Dal Sakshaug at Qvisten looking at someone
- Audun Røberg holding glasses, looking at us
- Roundtable logo from Animation Conversation
Please e-mail us at: with suggestions, comments or questions for our cast of animators.
Enjoy the show!
Erlend Dal Sakshaug